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Telegraph Herculis Monday 16Th September

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chokkie | 05:41 Mon 16th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Is it my imagination or have they printed the same clue twice?  Opposite of thrust in Newton's third law of motion.  Obviously ,"thrust" so the other identical,clue is printed incorrectly....


cheers Chox.  



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I've just had a brief look at the clues & can only see -

2d Opposite of drag, a force explained by Newton’s third law of motion (6)

Where is the 2nd clue that you see, chokkie?

Question Author

when I looked at the clues first thing this morning, both  down clues were identical.  After reading your reply (for which many thanks!), I checked the grid again and - lo and behold - it had changed, so I was able to complete it. Thanks very much for your help.  Cheers, Chox.

Glad you're sorted, chokkie 🙂

Thanks guys, if it's been sorted then I can go back and finish it because there was definitely a problem with it this morning ....clues 2 & 3 down were identical 🤗🐨

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Telegraph Herculis Monday 16Th September

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