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A Science Crossword -Cryptic- September 2024

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Matakari | 09:04 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Good morning, help with the following would be appreciated, thanks!
5a   Bacteriologist treated endless coughing (7)  : N?G????
19a Tailored Tory hid part of the body (7)  : ??????U
7d   Chemist having annus mirabilis following King? (7, 8) : ??A???S???D?R?R
 8d  Aims for camping? (7) : ??T???S
19d Three things Des found in old electrical equipment (7) : ????R?S



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8 Intents - In Tents

19a Thyroid - anagram

19 Triodes if the R is wrong? Trio, three things and Des.

7d Charles Goodyear

5 Noguchi (anagram of Coughing without the last G)

5 a Noguchi

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW and Chelle7272, this last set  to complete:

13d  Fat I piled on abroad – no energy left! (5)  :?I?L?

17d  Doctor making a fuss about you French? (7) : G?U???S
( I suspect VOUS or TU somewhere. )

18d  Sugar clogs tube even after a shake-up (7) : N?U???N

24d  I will shortly be here by the sound of it (4)  : ???I


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A Science Crossword -Cryptic- September 2024

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