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Spec 2673 Help With Last Couple Please

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quinol | 14:09 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

is 30d cloche (I have -l---- plastic cover for her hat?) and why?

is 24a unclued  a boxer? (-o-e-an)

is 5a unclued a politician with a similar christian name? (-a-ie-)

is 21d unclued an actor/prisoner?(m-g-o-a-)

for 36d unclued a hint would be appreciated (-a-r)



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30 A cloche is also the thing, often plastic, you put over growing plants and a woman's hat, so just a double definition

36 He used to be a Sunday morning regular on TV.

21 Yes

24 Yes

For 5 A, I didn't  have that - mine is a screenwriter. 

PS I found this puzzle a bit tedious. I meant to go back to the list of letters given in the preamble - thinking this would confirm what I had for the Unclued entries. I haven't got round to that... yet. So the stuff I've given you might not be 100% correct!

Quinol - I agree with your 5A and have a completed grid where the unches agree with rubric though hindered for a while by an easy mis-spelling. Beware!

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Thank you very much Neveracrossword, I think you must be 100% correct - I had hoped the slebs fell into categories but they're just random apart from their christian names, aren't they

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hypothses, did you mean the prisoner?

Quinol, glad you're all sorted. I'm quite happy with all my entries, and my sub-groups seem to work OK.

Help please .... 1d. Dizzy singer, having to dine with sappers, lords it over all. (6,7)

Reigns sup-REME

Doh!!!!   Thank you Captain2.

Is it me or are these first names used more that once?

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Spec 2673 Help With Last Couple Please

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