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Ev 1662

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professorplum13 | 13:41 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

In some acrosss clues there is an incorrect letter..

In some down clues there is a letter missing...

I have a full grid and have made the changes, but can't see the "city name". Didn't seem to need the thematic names from the extra/missing letters, but would appreciate parses for these...

11a Jack's lead on condition that loud phrase played repeatedly ...RIFF ...possibly Rack's ... (but really need WIFF...or is that after the changes?)

32a Without sack, one quickly putting down animal ...OTTER

4d The one to get re palm ...ITA





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11a Change 'Jack' to Rack for the R + IF ('on condition that') + F(orte).

32a 'jOTTER'  - 'one quickly putting down' [minus 'j' = Jack for 'sack'].

The one' = IT + 'a/re' = A (a measure abbrev.).

The city is an Indian one (4 letters) running down the way after the grid has been adjusted.


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Thank you prof M. I think I see it now ...previously I had only changed perimeter entries, but when I change entries in a row ....

is that correct?

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What does "4 titular motifs" mean?

Yes, professorplum - the change inside the grid gives the city.

The four invaders around the perimeter are in the titles of four different novels.


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Got it ...thanks!

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Ev 1662

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