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I Am Stuck On This Crossword

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poorclare | 17:24 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

This is the Sunday World (Quick Crossword)

I cannot get started  with the beginning of this

have the bottom half  completed.

10a Obtain (7) ??????e

(sorry that is the only letter I have.

11a Feather (P????

01d Punishment (7) ?????r?.

Thanking you





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11 plume

pillory: old punishment

Question Author

Thank you.

04d Exhibit (7) ?i?p?a?

could that be display?

10 receive/acquire/procure??

yes, display sounds good


^ do any of those fit for 10A?

Question Author

Well if Pillory for 1d punishment then that would me 10a starts with L?????e   


1d  penalty ?

& acquire ?

1d torture ?

1 Torture?

If 'torture' is correct would 'receive' now fit for 10A?

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I Am Stuck On This Crossword

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