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Crossword Centre Monthly Help Please

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quinol | 18:13 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

enjoying this which I'm doing for the first time - I have nearly all the grid but have no clue about the perimeter unclued 11 word quotation, hints appreciated, have -or-h-n-he-r-a-h-h-s--n---cr-mema-a-i---not-h-r-

these 2 clues might help: 4d juveniles with time advancing becoming big old folk (4) --en-

41a scots left tidal race in lerwick: roo--





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41a.  roost

4 Etens, giants - from Teens, juveniles (time advancing = move the T on_

41. Roost

Quinol, an additional bit of help - the quotation starts 3,4,4...

are the words in the quotation in the order above?

The Winner, yes, the order is correct.

Question Author

many thanks neveracrossword - mystery solved,


and thanks too the winner

Quinol, I'm really sorry - I speedread your post and didn't see your (clearly stated) 'hints appreciated'! I'll pay more attention in future (in general).

Thanks, Quinol, and glad you got the crossword finished. Some of the CC puzzles are very tough, I was delighted with this one!

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