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Eye Crossword 788

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ltaddy | 19:53 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

Sneak dick between legs, perhaps. (7)




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Snuggle ?


(private eye,dick) = GUM + LEGS anagram

Thanks Captain, I had my doubts about my answer.

Oh, my Smuggle just had Mug as the Dick,idiot, inside an anagram of legs!

^^ Tut, tut - such smut! 🤣

Captain2, I reminded myself that it WAS Private Eye after all...

Indeed NaC, as I pressed 'send' those very words came to mind.


11a Enterprising energy chief hoarding top grade (2-5)

G? A?E?D


Go Ahead

...Go, energy, Head, chief, with the A before that (hoarding).



Thanks. I wasn't sure I had got 5d and 8d correct.



Glad I could help.

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Eye Crossword 788

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