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Scottish Field (November)

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johnT | 13:19 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

Clues annotated with (Sc) will be a Scottish or Scottish dialect word, term or slang. If not annotated (Sc) then it's a normal British/English word or term. I can't guarantee given letters are correct yet as it's early days.


2d. Mix-up (Sc) (3,1,6) ?A? A ?A?D?E


9a. Whispered conversation (Sc) (8) C?L?????


6d. Wooden bowl (Sc) (4) ???N


7d. Ornamental pattern on the side of a stocking (6) ???H?T

I suspected CLOCKS but it's the wrong tense and obviously doesn't fit with letters I've got (assuming they're correct).


17a. Work away (Sc) (5,2) ?N?P? O?

Probably ?N?P? ON


22d. Speak loudly (Sc) (6) B?I?G?





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7d Fishnet but letter count wrong ?

9 collogue?

7 gushet

7d. I was deceived as not marked as Sc

Question Author

Thanks elliemay1 I just got COLLOGUE for 9a but you beat me to the keyboard,

That means letter counts for 6d & 7d have changed to:

6d. Wooden bowl (Sc) (4) ?O?N

7d. Ornamental pattern on the side of a stocking (6) ?U?H?T

Already discounted CLOCKS and FISHNET due to present adjoining letters or too many letters etc.

Gushet is correct 

6 bool??

2 something a fuddle? 

Question Author

Had considered BOOL but had to discount it due to 11a.

11a. Small boat (6) I have DINGHY which gives me D for my 5d and H for 7d GUSHET.

So assuming Dinghy correct then 6d can't be BOOL as letter count is ?O?N

BTW 5d. Heavy Club (8) ?L?D?E?? and I have BLUDGEON which gives me the first L in Collogue, the D in Dinghy and the third letter E in 13a.

22 blarge?

6 bown?

Question Author

Something A Fuddle?

Don't think so Elliemay1 as I'm pretty confident of adjoining clue answers that give me letter count as follows.

2d. Mix-up (Sc) (3,1,6) ?A? A ?A?D?E

A in first word from 8a

A from 10a

A from 12a and I believe it's a banker due to same clue used a while ago (12a. Past years (Sc) (6) ?Y???E and I have BYGANE)

D from 15a (Covered with plants (7) ?E???N? and I have VERDANT)

E from 20a (Spider (Sc) (8) ?T???C?P and I have ETTERCAP

Question Author

Not BLARGE.............. but it is BAIRGE Elliemay1

2d sometimes a fankle is used as a mix-up though not tying in with your letters.

Question Author

So just the 3 to go

2d. Mix-up (Sc) 3,1,6) ?A? A ?A?D?E

6d. Wooden bowl (Sc) (4) ?O?N

17a. Work away (Sc) 5,2) ?N?P? O? (probs ?N?P? ON)

Question Author

Hazlinny - thanks, I've tried to use FANKLE but for all my trying - I can't come up with an alternate answer to 15a (VERDANT) which is giving me the D in the letter count, that makes FANKLE unlikely. Also considered something A MUDDLE but again I'm so confident that my 12a is correct, so letter count remains at:

?A? A ?A?D?E

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Scottish Field (November)

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