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Spec 2676 Help Please

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quinol | 11:24 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
22 Answers

12a unclued hoo-e-po-  probably 2 words

is 27a unclued a-e  ape?

how does 16a bodies (the answer) fit the theme and indeed 36down - as a betting man it could have any antecedent

hints would be fine - I don't have brewer



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Have you got any idea of the theme? (don't want to give it away too early..You are looking for 10 phrases...

27a is not ape ( it goes with the 4th phrase)

12a is probably what you thnk it is...try chambers word's the 6th phrase

 16a  ...goes with the 7th phrase

I do have Brewer...but hopefully google will give you most.....some of the unclued don't have any alternatives letterwise..

I don't have brewer either but 12a is probably "hooped-pot- a 6 hooped-pot

I've worked out what's going on but a few of them are taking a bit of finding. My Brewer's is earning it's keep today haha 

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Thanks to jj and roslyn, could you tell me the what the uncrossed light is in 27a and in 36d? Then I'd have a complete grid supposing 'mile' is right, but only half the theme, the ITOX part, without these estimable works of reference

Although the hardest of all words to find for me was in fact the regular clue, 13a. I was trying every letter in the alphabet! 

Quinol, you would drink 27a. 

Question Author

Thank you Fleshpots!'s nearly lunchtime! 

I am stumped by 38D which is my only remaining clued light

I worked out the thematic early on. Not really sure what the red and yellow squares add to the puzzle as 45A was quite an easy clue

My Brewers is somewhere else so i am having trouble with the unclued lights allocations

I think the uncrossed leetr in 36D is B but I am not sure which of the phrases that relates to. maybe it isnt B

All help gratefully received

36d is the 10th phrase and is split 2,3

The people from the red and yellow squares are both in the 45a...

JohnPiper, the red and yellow squares lead to people who were in 45 A (and that isn't the 'Storm the barricades...')

John Piper, 38d is TITI. It’s in Collins: Any of various evergreen shrubs or small trees of the family Cyrillaceae of the southern US, esp the leatherwood and Cliftonia monophylla, which has white or pinkish fragrant flowers.

Thanks everyone

Not sure i undestand the cryptic part of 38D

Thanks for the help on 36 Down

Being bereft of Brewers, I'm relying on Google.

Does 25d. relate to New York?

Does 16a. relate to esoteric teachings?

24  sounds like it should be New York, but it refers to English history... a surprise.

16 relates to metals, linked to planets.

Sorry, 24 should have been 25D...

Thanks, NAC. Looks like I had the correct pairings for the wrong reasons :)

Iminoz, glad I could help. If you hadn't asked about  25  D, I'd have still been thinking along the same lines (New York) as you!

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