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Enigmatic Variations N0 1665 - Untitled By Luxor

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Matakari | 07:20 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Crosswords
8 Answers

Good morning, this one looks interesting, no missing letters and I’ve got a few, but need some help with the following to get me going faster. Many thanks in advance!

2 Scottish element of property rental platform losing two billion ( 4 )
18 Couple from south in hotel in Italy – one renowned for great escapes ( 7 )
20 Fools chasing devil in irresolvable situations ( 8 )
22 Having similar forms of depression from social mixing holding nothing back ( 9 )
30 Trashy boxing simulation set up giving out-of-hand predictions? ( 9 )
36 Keen artist cross with king ( 5 )

( PREAMBLE: The puzzle is temporarily UNTITLED because the letters of the title are missing. All clues are given in alphabetical order of their answers, which must be entered into the grid where they will fit. Solvers must enter a single letter from each column into the barred-off cell at the top, revealing the title across the row. Chambers Dictionary ( 2016 ) is recommended. )





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18 Houdini

36 Razor - RA+zo+R

30 Palmistry

20 Impasses

22 Isoclinal

2 Airn (Scottish word for iron. The clue's quite clever  - AirBnB is the rental platform and it loses the two Bs, billions)

NAC I have answered all the clues, fitted them in a jigsaw and i am totally happy with the grid fill, but I haven't a clue what to do next to get the title!

Can I have a hint please!

JJ, the endgame is nowhere difficult as it might appear. The preamble says 'solvers must enter a single letter from each column...' If you READ each column, ie follow it from top to bottom, I think you will soon spot a 'letter' in each. 

Got it - very many thanks NAC!

Thanks, JJ - glad I could help.


Matakari, hope you're 'going faster' now? 

Question Author

Thanks for these, NACW! Just one confirmation before I continue. 
40 Greasy rogue sidled by tracks ( 8 ) : LOYALIST

it's an anagram of sidled + ry ( railway/tracks)

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Enigmatic Variations N0 1665 - Untitled By Luxor

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