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The Week 1437

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 11:37 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Taking a shower, time for daughter to get on (8) T?U?H?N?

A couple of possibilities but I can't parse either of them. Thanks for help. 



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Hmm, that sounds good but it means I've gone wrong with the T. Back to the drawing board! Thanks! 

Douching (taking a shower) Daughter replaces time in Touching (on)

Which clue gave the T?

Is the definition not "on"?

Touching - 'douching', with 't(ime)' for 'd(aughter)'

Sorry, got it backwards. Ans is TOUCHING (ON) replace d with t in Douching  (showering).

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Ah now I see it, thanks all 

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