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Spectator 2676 Saturday October 19Th 2024

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Georgecoventgard | 13:34 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
4 Answers

Stumped by 26 down...can't parse it at all....I have -ITI



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That was from over a week ago and I no longer have my copy and cannot remember the clue!

Please advise the clue!

From a vague memory I think the answer was TITI

but I cannot remember the whole clue!

a small tree (Cliftonia monophylla) of a family (Cyrillaceae, order Ericales) of evergreen, dicotyledonous trees and shrubs, with white or pinkish flowers, found in the S U.S.

Question Author

Oh sorry jj

Southern US shrub with white flowers - some striking red (4)

Yes, from TITIan (some of) ''a striking red colour''.

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Spectator 2676 Saturday October 19Th 2024

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