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Axed 2732

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vesalius | 16:15 Sun 27th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

My last one to solve is 32A "Old duke? This duke misbehaving may be fined". I have NIE?  Is the answer an archaic word for "fist" or for "fined"? 
Any hint would be appreciated  




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Nief. Don't get it all though

//Nieve" is a dialectal word in Northern British and Scottish English that means a closed hand or fist//


Lol- I found it meaning fist... but now I can't find it and just get serf

Sorry, this has correct number of letters //chiefly dialectal : a person's hand. 2. chiefly dialectal : fist.//

I suppose NIEF plus D for Duke is an anagram (misbehaving being the indicator) or FINED

^ niev!

Forget my ramblings!

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