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Messenger Adult Crossword

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Trayc5 | 15:05 Mon 28th Oct 2024 | Crosswords
11 Answers

1d, The navy in town in Hampshire(5)F-E--.

2d, After reaching zenith some doctrine about buffoonery(7)Z-N----?

6d, Teem with sweat, surprisingly it's the sugary confection?(9)S-A-T---T?

14a, Pudding to be returned by fogy(6)D-R---?

12a, Fake coin must be removed, it has the Queen on(6)-S---R?

9a,Charge on one form of transport(4)-P--?

Any help would be great with the above.



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1 Fleet

1d Fleet

6 Sweetmeat - anagram

6d sweetmeat

9 Tax-i

In 14a is it foggy or fogey?

Question Author

Hi Captain2 its fogy, 14a clue

14 Duffer,fogy?  Duff is the pudding (plum duff say) and Re, to, reversed (returned)...

^^^ must be the American spelling of 'fogey' then. Strange one.

Captain, Chambers gives Fogy as the first mentioned, with Fogey next - and no mention of America. Maybe we are just more used to Fogey?

Well I am, for sure, NaC. I've never been taught, or used that spelling. 😊

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