Scam Email?? in The AnswerBank: Spam & Scams
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Scam Email??

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malagabob | 09:16 Tue 26th Nov 2024 | Spam & Scams
11 Answers

Your Apple ID has been locked, update info to regain access.

V­e­r­i­f­y y­o­u­r A­p­p­l­e I­D I­n­f­o­r­m­a­t­i­o­n

D­e­a­r (my email address)

Y­o­u­r A­p­p­l­e I­D  (my email address) h­a­s b­e­e­n t­e­m­p­o­r­a­r­i­l­y d‌i­s­a­b­l­e­d.

F­o­r y­o­u­r s­a­f­e­t­y, y­o­u­r A­p­p­l­e I­D h­a­s b­e­e­n d­i­s­a­b­l­e­d b­e­c­a­u­s­e s­o­m­e i­n­f­o­r­m­a­t­i­o­n a­p­p­e­a­r­s t­o b­e m­i­s­s­i­n­g o­r i­n­v­a­l­i­d. I­t­’­s a­g­a­i­n­s­t o­u­r t­e­r­m­s o­f s­e­r­v­i­c­e t­o p­r­ov­i­d­e f­a­l­s­e i­n­f­o­r­m­a­t­i­o­n i­n y­o­u­r A­p­p­l­e a­c­c­o­u­n­t­.

P­l­e­a­s­e r­e­-v­e­r­i­f­y y­o­u­r a­c­c­o­u­n­t d­a­t­a. I­f y­o­u d­o n­o­t v­e­r­i­f­y y­o­u­r a­c­c­o­u­n­t w­i­t­h­i­n 4­8 h­o­u­r­s, i­t w­i­l­l b­e p­e­r­m­a­n­e­n­t­l­y l­o­c­k­e­d. C­l­i­c­k t­h­e b­u­t­t­o­n b­e­l­o­w t­o v­e­r­i­f­y a­s s­o­o­n a­s p­o­s­s­i­b­l­e­.

Go to Apple ID ( < link to tap )

A­p­p­l­e S­u­p­p­o­r­t

Type contains  different  I in  ID and in regain

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Looks like a genuine email from apple, complete with logos. Apart from italics in ID and regai

It's phishing. In a message Apple will always address you by your real name, never by your email address or Dear Customer. Apple will never threaten to lock ..


Easy to verify though. Just log in that email account the same way you usually do 




It's a scam. Just ignore it. By saying you will be permanently locked out, they are frightening you into entering your details. 

110% scam

Sorry if my link did not open properly, but it was confirming the message you received was a scam

Especially if you do n't have an Apple device!

In any case such as this, if you have any doubt, ignore links and addresses in the e-mail and, as Barry says, check all is ok with any account you actually have the way you would normally access it.


But yeah, reeks of scam to me.

Scam. Just note the poor English. "It's" for an example. That just would not be used.

I did not say would'nt and did'nt for instance.

Had similar purporting to be from talktalk today.

Additional clues - they only use your email name not any other name/account number/postcode that a genuine sender might have.

The sender's email address will be summat weird - the one I had was from "<marina-gerhard.x9qob.loyal@code-flow.org>. Obviously NOT talktalk!

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