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Spectator N0 2683 - Famous Last Words By Lavatch

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Matakari | 09:57 Sat 07th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
14 Answers

Good morning, pretty good going until I got stuck on the following for which I would appreciate help. Thanks in advance!

 21a  Question about mince pie resembling dairy product (6) : W?OO??

 23a Card player, for instance, in film (4): EA?T   ( EAST )

 26a  Gnome fixed cutter’s tool (3,3) : ???/S??

 18d They suppose media endlessly covers ancient city (9) :  P????MERS  ( PROSUMERS )

 19d Sport thus gets little cash (4) : ???N   



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21a 3 letter word for question starts with W. You OO is wrong..

23a yes

26a 2nd word is saw


18d pre sumer s  (sumer is the ancient city inside pres(s) )

19d N is wrong....usual 2 letters for sport

21 Wheyey

23 Yes - AS, for instance, inside ET, film,

26 Saw Set

18 Presumers (Is prosumers  a word?)


26a saw 1st word surely?

Quinol, I definitely have Saw as the first word in 26. I expect it was a very rare typo from Ros!

Prosumers was on Countdown last week. But clearly the definition here is 'they suppose' so Presumers.

NMA, thanks - I'll add that word to my (mental) vocabulary! It doesn't work for the clue, of course - not fitting the wordplay or the definition...

yes sorry ...first word...trying to give hints rather than just supplying matakari with endless answers....

Question Author

Many thanks to all of you! "Prosumers" definitely could not work. I had “presumers” at first, but was led astray by 21a where I thought of WHO… to start the answer. Finally, a confirmation for this last one:

28            Latvian regularly ignored after excessive interval (6)  : O?T?VA ( OTTAVA )

Thanks, Matakari - I seldom give you hints now, mine often didn't work! Yes, to Ottava.OTT, excessive and alternate letters from L  A  t  V i A.


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Grateful for the help, NACW!

Thanks, Matakari. I expect you've got the thematic stuff all done now - you seem to have done this puzzle slightly in reverse, seeing the theme info before tackling the clues.

Question Author

NACW, this time I was just lucky to have gotten enough letters to facilitate my spotting the theme with some help from Google, of course!

Thanks, Matakari. I knew there were threads with revealing info and I knew you'd seen some of that - but I'm delighted to hear that you spotted the stuff yourself! 

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Spectator N0 2683 - Famous Last Words By Lavatch

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