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6d Rug infested with this worm might get us laundering (7)
8d invalidto be voting he is dismissed 5,3,4
20a Greeting learner with saintly appearance
15a Recalled tragic opera about former french colony
10a Chineses boat dwellers advanced on vessel
1 to 12 of 12
20 Hallo, greeting? Halo, saintly appearance with L for learner inside. You haven't given the letter count for the last three clues.
10 how many letters?
10 is 5 letters 15 is 6 and 20 5
To make it easier for everyone:
20a Greeting learner with saintly appearance (5)
15a Recalled tragic opera about former french colony (6)
10a Chineses boat dwellers advanced on vessel (5)
Hallo is right
8 given the boot - anagram
many thanks for answers so far Smattie
I can see CARMEN comes out of Cameroon, but can't parse it
Glad we could help.
10 tanka would work if the clue was 'dweller'
Maybe clue was:
Chineses boat dweller's advanced on vessel
15 Acadia - Aida ca (about) all reversed
Do you know the answer?
RosettaGood Morning Tuesday Birds.
ChatterBank1 min ago
Body & Soul2 mins ago
elliemay1Wi Life
Crosswords8 mins ago
nicebloke1The Usa Rapidly Heading Towards A...
Society & Culture9 mins ago
Ann0802Bad Tampered
Crosswords10 mins ago
maggiebeeAny Toys Left ?
ChatterBank14 mins ago