When I have been in the sun I always get a nasty rash all over my skin, it looks like lots of raised red spots and it can be quite itchy. In the evening it calms down but you can still see the skin is "bumpy" and if I am in the sun the next day it flares up again , it just gets worse. I have tried so many products, Anti histamine tablets and various suncreams but nothing seems to be able to prevent this rash from appearing Please anyone..Any suggestions?? Thanks x
Sounds like a sweat rash, it could be due to the type of clothes your wearing.
Sorry I couldn't be more help, perhaps someone else can come up with something else, but i'm pretty sure thats what it is.
Hi Kaz - i have mentioned this on here before but I developed PLE when I was 16,and at first thought it was prickly heat.Go onto Google and type in "Polymorphic Light Eruption" and this will explain further.It goes from very mild cases to severe.Good luck - let me know .xx
If you wana email me as it would take too long on here.Mine took years to diagnose.My email add(know I shouldnt put it but oh well) is kazzianne@msn.com.
Sounds like PLE to me ..I have the same as Pinkfizz and have had it since my early twenties and am now umpteen years old !
My arms are a real mess at the moment ..makes a change though it usually affects my face which is even worse.
Have just shelled out this morning for some organic Aloe Vera gel which has cooled it down a lot and stopped the itching.We had a discussion about this recently http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Body-and-Soul/Q uestion246276.html
I just posted a question about this. It's good to know I'm not the only one. I feel like a freak sometimes, hugging the shade. Especially when all your mates want to sit in the sun in the beer garden. I have it now all over the face, ncek and chest. Gruesome! Does the desensitization really work? Nothing seems to help me and it seems to be getting worse with each exposure. It comes even after a couple of minutes in the sun. Anything else that helps prevent it?
Two weeks ago I had the worst PLE Ive ever had - about 200 blisters on my arms.Now it has been hot for a few weeks I am getting just the red lumps,which itch like hell,then go down,but not developing into blisters.Problem is I scratched last week like mad and have loads of little scars now.