Mail on Sunday
22A Relating to (the Apostle) Peter, P---i--?
26A To be performed with rapidity;animatedly (music), --s--?
41D Applied Scientist, -n-i-e-r?
15D Distant or unknown region (from the latin), U-----t-u-e?
18D Without supply or source of aid, -----r-eless?
71D Colourless gaseous alkene, P-o-y-e-e?
74D Hit high shot, S-i-d?
78D Town in West Worcestershire, E-e-h-r?
94A Enigmatic utterance in Citizen Kane, I-s-b--?
104A City on the Rhone, A-l--?
116A Writing around coin or medal?
122A Round bread often with currents, T-a-a-e?
124A Carrying weight, L-a- --a-i--?
90D Event in book set in wrong time period, A-i-h-o-i-m?
96D Sort out, ----n-a---e?
101D Relating to earth or soil, recull it (anag)?
107D Indent again, E-o-d-r?
112D Capable of displacement, M-v---e?