you seem to be the authority on the Mephisto among others. Can you recommend a reference book to go with my Chambers that might help with some of the obscure drugs/games/etc. Do you use one of these crossword solvers if so which is the best one to buy?
thanks again
Charlie I have found my 'Bradford's Crossword Solver's Dictionary' invaluable. I believe that many of the setters and compilers themselves use it as a reference.
Good luck and if you enjoy this type of crossword with the barred grid you might try the Azed in the Observer and Beelzebub in the Independent on Sunday.
I have won this on several occassions but it's the challenge rather than the prize that is the draw. We have a copy of Bradfords each and it is invaluable especially for crossword novices as it points out possible anagrams or word reversals.
Hi Judy thanks for the encouragement. Yes you are right it is the sense of achievment that is all when you finish the Mephisto. I once had the priviledge of chatting to Barbara Hall who edits the Mephisto and the Sunday Times Crossword and she also awards the prizes. She tells me that between 600 and 1000 people send in the Mephisto and anything up to 6000 send in the other so it is a small and exclusive club to belong to to say that you have sent in completed Mephisto let alone to you geniuses who have won it.