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lovatts puzzle collection issue 53

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tikkit | 15:46 Tue 04th Dec 2007 | Crosswords
9 Answers
indifference (10)

- -t- - - -e-t

written certificate (5)
s c - - p

not binding (4)
n - - -

small rock cavity (3) no clues

prehistoric burial mound (5)
c - i - n


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1 Detachment
2 Scrip
3 Null ?
5 Cairn
sorry shaney - try nook for 3
Rock cavity ..Vug
my mistake ..... forget it
Nook ? I think a nook is a small recess ?
Null however is lacking any legal or binding force.
But I have been known to be wrong :))
you are correct - i was wrong, i got confused momentarily when i saw small rock cavity . . . my apologies again
Lol ..excelsior ..I know that confused feeling all too well at times !
Question Author
Thank you SO much, excelsior and shaneystar2, I have been trying to complete this crossword for a week now, it's driving me insane! There has been no housework cooking or cleaning done around here! I will be posting some more questions shortly no doubt, let me go away and see what I can do first though!

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lovatts puzzle collection issue 53

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