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rainblue | 20:05 Thu 08th May 2008 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Sorry to be vague.(mislaid puzzle)
The answer had to be "MUSCLE" ref to seafood ok. Can't figure first part. Can anyone help. Sorry about vagueness.


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Sorry - not a definitive answer ( not enough info ) - but seafood suggests Mussel

Also try using the single quotation mark on the @ key - your computer is translating " as "

& QUOT ;

Its a HTML problem apparently
Gathered on line as shellfish might (6) MUSCLE
Def. is "might", and it sounds ("Gathered on line", i.e. on the phone) like MUSSEL ("as shellfish").
Now I have a distinct feeling of deja vu
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Thank you very much beermagnet.
very perceptive.

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