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Press and Journal Saturday 6th September 2008

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grahamr888 | 15:45 Sun 07th Sep 2008 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Can you please help?

1A) Take it cap, et cetera, can be made of it (6)

7D) Sanctimonious person is right to have porker around (4) ?R??

11A) It may be scotch, for example, at top of glass(3) E??

16A) He's a fool to undermine one (3) S?A


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Sorry missed last one - sap
1a : accept
7d : Prig
16a : she
11 a : egg
P.S. I've won the pen before!! :)
Do you have 17D - the only one I don't have?
Question Author
Sorry but I had 17D) as AMPOULE

With 16A) Finishing with an E this obviously wrong so I am a bit stuck with this one now!
Krollonskye is right with She. It's an anagram of He's.
Question Author
Thank you both for all your help.

I've posted question 17D.
Now I'm confused!!!
17d is Pipette I understand why
and I understand why 16a is she
but they don't go together :(

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Press and Journal Saturday 6th September 2008

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