The belief that 0207, 0208 and 0203 are distinct London area codes is common but completely mistaken. Since the number changes in 2000, London has had ONE single area code of 020, followed by eight-digit local numbers.
It's true that old central London numbers in the format (0171) xxx xxxx mostly changed to (020) 7xxx xxxx numbers, but numbers issued in the past ten years don't necessarily follow this convention. Indeed, many (020) 8xxx xxxx numbers have been issued in central London.
In effect, London changed from having two area codes (0171 and 0181) each with seven-digit local numbers to one single city-wide area code of 020. Extending local numbers from seven to eight digits increased the numbers available for use five-fold, while avoiding splitting the city across three or four different codes (New York now has six separate overlapping area codes!)
It's also now possible to ring between any regular landline phones with an (020) area code just by using the eight digit local number - regardless of where in London the phones are located.
In future, there will be London numbers beginning (020) 4...., (020) 5.... and (020) 6.... Media URL: