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power of thought 6 letters

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amie12342 | 20:04 Sun 28th Sep 2008 | Crosswords
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Come on amie the game ..I know you are new but you have already been asked to put all your questions in one post .It's only common courtesy to do so as it pushes other users questions off the page .It's also common courtesy to at least thank people and let's be fair you have had loads of answers to what appears to be a very simple crossword today with not one thank you to anybody who has helped you ..

for goodness sake, use some power of thought, read the comments on other posts and put all your questions into a single post
Are you playing some sort of game? This is now about 20 questions today.

You were asked this afternoon, politely, if you would put all your questions in one thread but you have ignored this. Why?
Question Author
i'm sorry, i didn't realise i could do that, but thankyou to everyone giving me answers, it isn't that simple for me, i have a thick head on today

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power of thought 6 letters

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