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Club Monthly 20098

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aeronut | 19:21 Sun 09th Nov 2008 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Stuck on NE corner and requiring expert help:
5d Flesh to be sold in draw, getting millions for hospital (4,4) My guess is dham meal.

11ac Muses in genetically modified area over giving approval (7)
My guess is avering

Lie-in-King, help please


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Will I do ?

5d Dead Meat......Dead Heat ( M-millions for H- hospital)

11a Amening .GMA (genetically modified area)< NINE (muses) < AM ENIN G
Question Author
While you are surely an expert, I have to respectfully disagree. Re. 5d, I'm certain the first letter in the second word is an m, and I'm 99% sure that d??? m?a? is the answer. Your suggestion contains only 1 m for millions and I've observed, perhaps incorrectly, that the plural calls for 2 m's. Also I don't think you capture the meaning of sold in draw as well as my d-eal does, and I've got the meat there as ham and the hospital as h.

I do, however like your 11a- amening more than my obsolete avering as it captures the muses.

Your thoughts?
I am confused as I thought I had explained my answer.

Dead Meat is Flesh to be sold . This is to entered in the grid

The wordplay is Dead Heat - a draw Getting an M (million) in place of the H (hospital)

So Dead Heat becomes Meat.

Please come back if you still disagree.
Question Author
Yes, thanks, I like your explanation.

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