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Polymath 480

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Spriggins | 18:13 Sat 20th Dec 2008 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Shakespeare's obliquely: ? ???n?e
Eat humble pie in Modena: g? t? ??n?s?a
Top-ranking fashion house: ?r?n? a?e?l?r


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2 Go to Canossa
1 - askance
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Thank you both. Unfortunately I'm still stuck on the Australian wicket-keeper who played in 51 tests between 1957-1965: g?o?t
Grout (Wally I think)
Isn't Shakespeare's obliquely A SCONCE?
Or is it "A Skance". Only questioning because the answer was given previously as "A Sconce" and it wasn't queried at the time.
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Thank you everyone. Finished at last!
14d. Grand Atelier

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Polymath 480

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