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Independent Quixote 985

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lapsapchung | 21:46 Sun 28th Dec 2008 | Crosswords
6 Answers
I'm ashamed to say i have got nothing at all for this one. I know I only have two weeks of the year when I have time to attempt crossowrds, so I need to almost start from scratch each time, but I can't even begin to get my head around Quixote's puzzles, although I've managed all the other cryptics over the last week or so.

I don't want to ask for all the answers but could somebody help me to tune in to the puzzle? Perhaps one or two of the longer answers and some clues as to the way my brain (should I still have one) ought to be heading?


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PS the Amaretti didn't help with the spelling, did it?
Sorry, I don't have that puzzle and I have not seen any questions on it.
26A. Manage to get cereal in town (7). Runcorn (run + corn)

8D. Repay men when broke? Heavens! (8). Empyrean
(definition: highest heaven, firmament. Anagram of "repay men")

18D. The man's in a disreputable club - it makes for a sticky situation (8). Adhesive ("he's" in "a dive")

24D. Academic given a fifth grade is finished (4). Done
(don + e)

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Thanks for that, it's helped me to get a few more and I think I have got into it now - I'll let you know how I get on
Have you got the longest answer, to 16A? Pantomime heroine could contrive win with craftier zeal (5,10).

Alice Fitzwarren from Dick Whittington (anagram of "win craftier zeal")
Question Author
I'd got Alice! I think I'll have to buy the Indy for a few more weeks before I get myself completely tuned in to this compiler. Thanks to your help I've done well over half of it now which is more than I've ever managed before.

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Independent Quixote 985

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