Now, now DocHH, you are all capable of starting a chat! I very much doubt if I shall be even looking at the EV (or any other) crossword next weekend as those dreaded deadlines have caught up with me again and the Muse is keeping a very low profile - (I think the cat has been sitting on her!) so you will all have to be brave and fight to be first to put finger to keyboard.
No the cat purring put me to sleep - he is lethal, whoever's knee he decides to occupy has to be poked with a sharp stick to keep them awake.
Yes, well done Midazolam for his work though I have to say that 4 of us in this neck of the woods, did all write individual letters to the Xword editor to voice our displeasure when it initially changed. Also a number of (un-acknowledged) emails have been sent over the months, so we have tried.
Bound to need help next week so please kind people be prepared to help.