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Hello Devadolly
Yes this really did generate a lot of posts, similar number to the week before! Turn round and pick up that discarded EV! These hints may well help a bit.
Hint for 9d, Porky, think Cockney rhyming slang rather than animal! Then a word that means that.
Hint for 12a Fellow replaced by an old word meaning not, (see above in an explanation of the wordplay for that clue to BigDave44), in a slang word meaning stylish or fine.
Hint for 9d The beginning of these flowers sound like a casual greeting used frequently in the addressing of someone in an e-mail. Personally I always use Hello. The last part of the word sounds like another word for Park Wardens.
As for the REPRESENTATION, it is in a straight line, but not horizontally or vertically. The other character is lurking in the area where you are having difficulties populating the grid.
Hope you finish it now, I have to prepare dinner now, there will be lots of questions and silent treatent, if I don't!