I have solved all the clues, but I am baffled by the first and third (unclued) parts of the instructions. The first part seems all Greek to me. Would anyone be so kind as to give me a hint?
Have not finished yet, but I believe the first two unclued words are coins - and you are on the right track when you say it's all Greek. However I've not confirmed it as yet.
When you say you have all the clues it's not clear to me if you also have all the unclued answers.
The first answer (# of 32 in a 21) is indeed Greek as both 32 and 21 refer to Greek weights.
The third (# of 41 in an 8) both refer to Hebrew dry measures. I had more success finding the relationship between the two in onelook.com or Wikipedia than I did with the online version of Chambers.