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Hello Devadolly,
Yes it's Zurich, not been there for a while, so looking forward to the trip, but the taxi to take me to the airport is arriving at 04.45!! I'll be really on the ball for the meeting which starts at 14.00, having first been entertained to lunch!! Three more work trips this year, Stockholm, Brussels and Ottawa. You have no idea how demanding working 18 days a year can be! Then we have to find time for at least 2 fortnight holidays a year, Caribbean twice last year!
There are two series of unclued lights, both have 3,4,5,6,7&8 letter words. So the 4 letter word is 3 letter word plus 1 extra letter and then anagrammed, then the 5 letter word is the 4 letter one plus another letter and anagrammed etc. Look at crofters comment about SEA, SALE or PEA ,PALE. then blosssoming into SEPAL. The discussion is about the unclued 3 letter and 4 letter lights in the North East corner of the grid.
Do you need any hints on clued lights? i finished all those before doing anything about the 2 series.