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aeronut | 21:18 Sat 21st Mar 2009 | Crosswords
5 Answers
For 20ac: One answer to the Irish Question, in principle (4,4)
Can't make up my mind whether the answer is home rule or Rome rule. There's no cross-check on the first letter.
Help please. Thanks.


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For what it's worth I'm going with home rule since that's in Chambers while Rome rule is not (but see Wikipedia).
Yes Home Rule.

Some people say Ireland should be home ruled.

Rome Rule would make no sense.
There were Irish Home rule bills introduced into parliament in the 19th Cen. So Home Rule it is.
in (home) + principle (rule)
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Rome Rule" was a term used by Irish Unionists and Socialists to describe the belief that the Roman Catholic Church would gain political control over their interests with the passage of a Home Rule Bill.[1] The slogan was coined by the Radical MP and Quaker John Bright[2] during the Home Rule crisis in the late 19th century.

I think kettledrum has the correct explanation.

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