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Spectator 1907

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greyfox | 07:28 Thu 26th Mar 2009 | Crosswords
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'Morning, greyfox. Thanks again for the link.
Thanks again for the link greyfox.

Enjoyable as usual and Doc had the right date for this puzzle.
Thanks for the link. No time to do it yet, but wanted to make sure I didn't lose the thread (or the plot)
Many thanks for link
Thank you for the link once again Greyfox. It was most enjoyable, but probably the quickest Speccie I have solved.

Hello Christiana, see you monday?
Straightforward enough this week, but I was confused by one item in the instructions: "Each of them - and the other individual unclued lights and 5's can be paired with a word..."

What's meant by "and 5's" here? (the clued 5-letter answers?) I didn't see any relevance to the solution so maybe I'm missing something.
Dr b..I think 5's means clue 5d + 's.
Ah. (or, "duh". ) Ok, so does the word in 5d have some meaning in the context of cryptic crosswords? ("unclued lights" was a new one on me when I started doing the spectator, so maybe 5d is as well.)

Oh, never mind, I just found a reference to "5d + keyword."
I thought I was meant to be the Rambling Wreck!
Ciao ciao!
I didn't find it so easy. The total of fifteen unclued words almost had me stumped even when I had all the other words in, and the title didn't immediately hint at anything. Nice one though.
Managed to solve everything except the unclued 4-letter light in the bottom right hand corner. Could anyone give me a hint?
I've guessed bottom right-hand corner is KING - referring to Sousa?
In exchange for giving that one away(oops!), I'm stumped by the last unclued light in the perimeter. I have TA?L? - there aren't many words that fit here, but as I don't have hard copies of Chambers or Brewer, I can't confirm? Also am I right in thinking that 27A refers to a 'gem'?
Thanks in advance.
TABLE is your perimeter entry and and you are right about 27a
Yes, I am sure you are right about the gem and I have TABLE for the last one. It came up on a crossword compiler wordlist connected with the theme word.
Thanks Rapparee and Robinruth - I hope I'm also right about Sousa?
The Sousa reference seems convincing, but my elderly copy of Brewer's doesn't allow me to verify it.

What's the four letter word at bottom left (_ _ NE)? I'm sure it's straightforward, but it's been a long, long day...
Hi Bathtub
All I know is that Sousa was called the M****-King and I can't find any other K words which are likely.
Bottom left corner I have the second half of an alternative 9 letter spelling for a sweet confection made of almonds. Try looking up M****??ne
Perhaps one of the other solvers can confirm - then I can post my completed Xwd to the UK.
Hi crucifernz. - yes, - KING is in the latest edition of Brewer.

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