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nanonano | 13:36 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | Crosswords
9 Answers
11 Down 6 letters schools new pupil rota

12 Down 6 letters non see through

cant believe I cant get these :(


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12 down - opaque?

You have your answers in Q&P main page.
I can't believe it either as you've already been told the answers once. zles/Question732444.html
Question Author
Sorry did'nt mean to be annoying I had a bit of a mix up logging in and I thought my question had not been posted.
Hope you both( Catron and Squarebear) feel better soon!!
Question Author
Thanks to denise for answering.
Feel better soon? What on earth does that mean? I am sure denise is happy that you have wasted her time when you already had the answers!
Question Author
Dont you have things to do other than berating genuine people for an innocent mistake I'm sure Denise does not mind in the least and I did thank her for graciously helping me which is more than I can say for you . Thankyou.Subject closed.!
Berating people? You have to be joking, don't you? You are the one who said 'hope you feel better soon'! You don't even have the guts to explain what you meant by that. if you think it is wrong to point out to others that your questions had already
been answered, then you have a real problem! Subject closed? I hope it is now!
Question Author
Yes thankyou.

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