Have completed grid, but cannot see what to do next. Can anyone please point me in the right direction with a hint or what I should be looking for, thanks
There were a few comments on this on 17/05 - they said 'read the preamble very carefully - how could one clue be removed to make the grid you see before you?'
'Look at the bar pattern of the edited grid and note what's "wrong" with it - that should tell you where to insert the missing entry whilst ensuring that all the intersecting entries remain words.'
I would suggest you take a pair of scissors and cut where you think the 'editor' probably did - in the obvious place!
Gribble, cut your complete grid then try to fit letters in between your two halves - obvious where you have to cut as you have to maintain symmetry - some letters will make sense and give you the 'grid entry' you are looking for.
At last complete, I don't know why but I kept thinking the cut was going to be more complex, I complete very few of these so it was nice to finish, many thanks for your help