Zita why put this in crosswords. There is no real abuse here. Occasional harsh words with people who dont give the number of letters required etc. Go on chatterbank right now and you will be amazed. I suspect some will disappear when the powers that be check out the Report this question entries.
zita, when it gets to this time of night,all the morons fall out of the pub and end up here,
Its best to ignore them and try again in the morning.
Hi zita - just ignore these silly responses from contributors like KoolKlown3 - he normally appears in Chatterbank and recently I had a go at him - just for fun - and everybody had a laugh at his expense - he hasn't forgiven me for making a fool of him and follows me about the sites trying to annoy people - so don't worry!!
Hi zita.....I started life in Q&P but now spend more time in CB....there is a lot of abuse there by a minority, on a weekend, which is cleared up by the ed on Monday. Whilst not engaging in many deep threads the majority of CBer's are intelligent and witty....but sometimes a bit rude....
zita take it with a pound of salt if you want wordy battle go for it but i tend to pop in and say my piece then leave em to it its qite funny sometimes
It looks to me if there is abuse and downright filth as seen by last nights little fiasco with some idiot spewing forth vile words which seems to have been removed now thank goodness .
I'm afraid there is a form of abuse in this section namely those who think it's fine to gave a have a go at those people who ask questions which they seem to disagree with .One or two in particular I have noticed just seem to trawl through the threads to make disparaging remarks to others .Must have nothing better to do .