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guardian 23761

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Eril | 09:27 Thu 17th Sep 2009 | Crosswords
4 Answers
One is a prescribed response to "name this child" (5)
The answer given is 'nasal', but no-one I have asked has managed to explain the link between the clue and the answer. Can you?!


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The answer is FORM (F or M)
Question Author
Sorry, obviously not clear enough - the clue is:

One is a prescribed response to "name this child" (5)

The filled grid printed the following day gave the solution as 'nasal'
But none of my collaborators can explain - even partially - why 'nasal' is the solution.
Possibly the clue to NASAL was substituted with another giving FORM in error. The numbering suggests that this is not a recent crossword (? 2006) which might make it difficult to check out. Where did you come across it please ?
Question Author
It is indeed an old crossword - we found a run of old Guardians recently in a clear out. Your suggestion of a compositor error is intriguing, but note that the number in brackets does correspond with the length of the entry.

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