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Lubumbashi | 15:54 Sun 18th Oct 2009 | Crosswords
29 Answers
1D? I have ????A?A?S?
28D B?L?I?

nearly there.


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For 10 down B is clear but how about R for homophone of third person plural?
I'm sure that each of the 8 unclued lights is intended to produce just one homophone, and that although 10 down could be plural, 'are' is not the intended one. 'Esse' (pronounced ess-e) would have to take its literal Latin meaning to be a possibility, and require 1 across to cover just 2 letters (? XL) I feel JUDGE is ruled out by 28 down, so you must take your pick between the other 2 (see above). That leaves 2 or 3 letters to be covered in 1 across. LEADING NOTE is too vague as a definition, as it could refer to any note, and in any case it is singular (see above). My money is on LEADING ROLE for 'effendi' (FND).
Here is another thought. Is the title any clue or is it simply a reference to Why/Y? I like the FND idea but it just doesn't seem right to me. It's a bit too loose. If I were defining effendi I don't think I would go for Leading Role.
I think that 10D suggests homophones of B and R, but I can't work out which other unclued light does double duty.
If there isn't a coherent grouping for the ten thematic items other than their being letters, it's a pretty disappointing puzzle in my view, with too much ambiguity. I can't find the letters to support QWERTYUIOP. Then I tried QUAPROPTER (latin for wherefore). It means two of the eight (R and P) are used twice, but that wouldn't be a problem. But I can't quite justify it. I think I'll give up now. Good luck to those who struggle on
The only remaining homophones that I can come up with are em and en. Now in typography line spacing is sometimes referred to as leading (pron ledding) so if someone can come up with a four letter word -o-e which would make sense for 1A then I would say that it was all over. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately smithies 'em' and 'en' are the letters M and N as well, so would not qualify as being homophones, just as my original suggestion of 'gee' for NUDGE is no good.
Hmmmm.. In that case I\'m with turnerjmw on this one. I guess I\'ll just enter Leading Note as the most reasonable guess at this one.
10D could suggest both "B" and "R". And if you went to the right sort of school, "M".

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