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Listener Crossword 4063 - Resident by Hotspur

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starwalker | 16:16 Fri 04th Dec 2009 | Crosswords
62 Answers
Down to the final four of the year now, for those who are still in for an all correct year. (Sadly my own ambition dies some weeks ago due to a careless error of transcription.)
Have not started yet, but first impressions are that it is going to be OK.


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Thanks JdC. I've just understood the title - very clever!
Yes, thanks, it has been made clear to me too. Brilliant!
Yes, the title is certainly fluvial in origin.
I've finished this at last after a fair old struggle. I was rather annoyed at 3 clues (15 across and 24 & 26 down) where there were alternative answers that couldn't be resolved until the end. I think that's poor clueing. I'm also still baffled by the wordplay for 36 across and 13 & 39 down. But the theme was certainly unusual and quite interesting.
36 'grocer' = epicier
'cap' = kepi

13 - see kwyjibo's earlier posting

39 'ditch' = fossa
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Interesting to see how many struggled with 13D (including myself). Definitely one of those occasions when Bradford is more useful than Chambers.
I had no problem with 13dn although I did struggle with the wordplay to 36. The clue which bothered me most was 5dn where I couldn't find the definition in Chambers, although I later came across a subsidiary mention.
re 36d Had you forgotten it was a plural - without the "s" it's there. My problem for a long time was with the word play of 31a - incidentally should hyphenated words not be indicated as such in the clues?
Ignore that rubbish about 36a - sorry
While I appreciate looking at the correspondence on this site, I think Mysterons last comments were too explicit. What do others think?
I have become concerned in recent weeks about the form the discussions of the Listener crossword is taking.

I am totally against the complete ban on comment which some would like, but I don't want the weekly thread to become an extension of the general Abank site with the asking and answering of specific help ewith clues.

We do this crossword as we enjoy the challenge and the satisfaction when the PDM arrives, so let's leave it as it was.
Can't believe how simple 13d really is - completely overlooked a glaringly obvious synonym of the misprinted word (thanks for the Bradford's hint).

May I add my plea for discreet hints only?
I was surprised (if grateful) at the detail of Mysterons' response to my previous posting. As to 39 the definition is not given as such in C, only as a derivation. The previous headword is the usual form, with or without the final e. I still can't fathom 13 down, but please don't give any more hints - I'm happy to wait till the solution is published!
Regarding hints, I would recommend following the advice given by cruncher and others in earlier threads i.e., don't read until you have completed the puzzle.
Thereafter I find it enjoyable to discuss on here what is forbidden elsewhere until 3 weeks have elapsed.
I agree with Clamzy (and therefore with cruncher) that abstinence is the best policy. However, it can be desperately tempting to have a quick peek if you are stuck! I am grateful for the help you have given me over the past few weeks, but the best sort is when I am left feeling that I have done most of the work myself. I think most readers here would be able to manage with a lesser hint than Mysterons has provided, but it can be hard to find the right balance.
A nice enjoyable puzzle after struggling with Phi's offering although I did manage to finish that eventually after some help. I agree that Mysteron's answers are too explicit- let's all stick to subtle hints at least until after the deadline for submissions.
Had to concentrate on this one. Held up in one case by my own handwriting, and in 30a where I originally had an anagram that produced three clashes - giving me 15 rather than 12 in total. Can't see the misprinted word in 33 but got a suitable answer. And golly did I learn a bit! Thanks Hotspur
I agree absolutely with daagg's comments. The best hints are those which enable you to do a bit of lateral thinking. Sometimes a chance remark in these pages can make you look at the problem from a different direction. Then you can really feel you've worked it out yourself. The trick is to give exactly enough, but since we are all at different levels of cruciverbal ability that is terribly difficult. I suggest that those who are offended by the level of hints should refrain from reading the postings herein since they may make them cross!
I'm inclined to agree that Mysterons' posting oversteps a generally accepted mark - one which he has tended to cross at times in the past too. Whilst accepting comments on abstinence / what else is the Answerbank for etc., we have tended on Listener forums (fora?) to keep help to the form of the subtle hint rather than the blatant. I'd suggest - knowing how dear the Listener and the work of John Green to many peoples' hearts - that we do try harder not to offend too many people and limit Listener help to the subtle hint. That should not only offend less, but also enable those in need of help to grow through their own coached efforts, rather than gain no positive benefit by just copying down an explicit answer. Only my humble opinion, feel free to differ!
The last letter of 33 could be found on a tap Philoctetes.

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