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Sir Lancelot Crossword.

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the old mill | 21:31 Sun 06th Dec 2009 | Crosswords
11 Answers
1d Cutting off in will. (14) (D?s???e?i?a?c?) 6d Relating to TB. (10) (t???r???a?) 7d Dixie so (anag) (7) (o???i??) 10ac Fawn colour. (5) (????e) 15ac In clever way. (8) (?s?????y)


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1d Disinheritance
6d tubercular
10a, beige
15a astutely
astutely ?
7d Oxidise--------------10a Beige---------15a Astutely
6d tubercular
7d oxidse
10a beige
15a astutely
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Many thanks to all,I have never had such a response or seen before,good luck to you all.

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Sir Lancelot Crossword.

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