FIRST & LAST QUIZ IN AID OF MAGPAS in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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quizmouse | 22:01 Sat 12th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
This quiz has now closed. The sheets have been marked and the winner is J Evans of Gt Yarmouth. Our Congratulations and a cheque for £20 are on its way to her. Those who sent SAE have been returned their sheets and those who sent in money for the follow on Quiz 'Seasonal Songs' have been sent their copies which should arrive early next week. I will take this opportunity to say that question 94 was void as the name should have read william harrison who was the first US president to die in office.
There were several mistakes I found after the sheets had been sent out, mostly as I did not have enough time to check up on all the questions, I apologise for this but my time was limited as my mother was very poorly during this period and my mind was mainly with her. Sadly, she passed away recently so the time I spent with her then was very precious. I'm sure you will forgive me for those errors and I will endeavour to do better next time!! But I am only human!!
However, thanks you all again for your support and I wish you a very merry Christmas and Happy new Year
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Oh Diane am so sorry to read your news, god bless you and your family. It was agreat quiz cannot recall if I sent money for the next will wait and see.

Mamya ♥
Question Author
Thanks - I cant remember either but you should get answers by tues.

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