Pivate Eye 407 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Pivate Eye 407

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crockshard | 12:47 Mon 21st Dec 2009 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Very hard, this one, because it includes a lot of 'Dumb Britain' wrong answers as the correct solutions, but I am getting there! So what might the correct wrong answer be to 52a What 'R' is Hillary Clinton's middle name? (11). I have R?T???I?L?R. My best guess is 'rottweiler', but there is one letter too few!
The last of 42d would supply another letter: Ruddy Gordon's head's in a depressed state (5) A???? (middle letter may be E).
46a Dumb answer to :Which writer based his books on his work as a vet in Yorkshire? (6,6) ?E?R?E ?R?E??. George Greene?
And 3d:Our regular columnist's first to get end away, diving head (4) ?O?L...
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Clinton's middle name is Rodham which lends itself to Eye setters!
Rottweiller is sometimes spelled with a double L, which would fit with AGLOW for 42d.
46a The author & vet was James Herriot - how you convert that to satisfy your grid I don't know.

3d The regular setter is Cyclops - could make a case for POLL (head) I suppose.

Looks like a real stinker!
46a George Orwell??
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Many thanks. I couldn't find 'rottweilller' spelled with double L anywhere! And I like 'aglow" , and I had penciled-in 'poll'. 46a now ?E?R?E ?R?E?L - any ideas?
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Thanks, Slaney - you got there before me!
George Orwell?
3d Agree POLL = head

. . . . from 'Polly Filler' (can't find her in this issue)
. . . . POLLY = first (name)
. . . . POLL = end away
Rottweiller can have 2 'll's. Ruddy Gordon etc is 'aglow' ie G in a low. Yorkshire vet - George Orwell! Don't know 3d and 72d.
72D = PRAT

PR = Prince
A = A
T = Tense

PRAT = Salads Chef
I didn't type "Salads Chef!!" A bit of over zealous auto-censoring there

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