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EV 896

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devadolly | 19:40 Mon 04th Jan 2010 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Is there anybody there? A very Happy New Year to all N & C'ers.
Just wondered how everyone was, haven't looked at it yet, too busy catching up after 3 nights away! Presume all the CC's have got it in the post already so am feeling rather nervous about peeking as it will probably be all double Dutch to me...........................................


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Hi Devadolly!

Happy New Year!!

A thriving EV thread started early yesterday.
It's titled Enigmatic Variations and started at 11:23 yesterday morning.
Hello Devadolly, you have been missed,
Happy New Year to you and Himself from moi and Herself! Hope you had a nice few days R&R!
The EV N&C Wine Clubbers have been playing on,


BUT, I'll decamp to here! Have look at where we were, a really heavy hint from Matydalover! Also it's eminently do-able, 15 seconds maximum, Ha-ha!!
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Thank you DocHH & novalis have answered on the other site - Ambleside great but all pavements a complete ice rink. Were runners up in New Year's Day quiz and won a wonderful Seaman's games box !

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EV 896

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