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Fun on Sunday

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cassm | 16:58 Sun 14th Feb 2010 | Crosswords
8 Answers
Never seen anyone looking for help with this crossword as it is usually so easy but they have changed the here goes
speaking of words to be recorded 9 ?I?D?D???
marker at point race begins 8 4 starting ???T


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1 Dictating; Dictation (?)
2 Starting post
starting post ?
looks as thought it should be - discussed ?
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starting post looks good
can't get dictation to fit
one of the d's is from another clue...obligate (yourself) beyond your limits
10 letters, I have overloaded, not sure what else it could be and the other d is from foot digit 6 4 I have middle toe ?
Overcommit (?)
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have put in overcommit and changed middle toe to little toe, that allows dictation to fit but I now have harmful 6 M?L?G?E, the g comes from starting, this is driving me nuts....bring back the old crossword setter - but I am appreciating all the help
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thanks everyone for all your help....finished at last !!
I used to enjoy this crossword cause I could complete it really quickly, it is now way too taxing.

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Fun on Sunday

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