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QuickDraw | 16:34 Sun 21st Mar 2010 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Can anyone answer this one?

20a Hypnotic power

I have F.A.N.E and have been unable to find anything to fit! Finance is the only word I can fit, but that doesn't answer the clue unless I'm missing something.

Can anyone help??



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OED (Online) has -

"aphæretic form of INFLUENCE n., occurring esp. in phr. to put the fluence on (a person), to apply mysterious, magical, or hypnotic power to (a person)."
16:46 Sun 21st Mar 2010
20a Fluence
Question Author

Thanks for the quick answer! I haven't been able to find that def. of fluence anywhere. It seems to be a physics term or an archaic word for fluency. Does anyone have a reference?

OED (Online) has -

"aphæretic form of INFLUENCE n., occurring esp. in phr. to put the fluence on (a person), to apply mysterious, magical, or hypnotic power to (a person)."
Question Author
Thanks for the help!

You're welcome :-)

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