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nacre by harbour

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janmar | 22:18 Thu 13th May 2010 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Silly me! I forgot to put it consists of two words for the answer - 5 letters and 4 letters, somewhere between London on Kirkbati and Manila in the Philippines. Thank you for your prompt replies.


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Do you have any letters yet ?
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No - it is a quiz question and all I know is that it consists of two words - 5 and 4 letters and the answer lies somewhere between Kiribati and Manila. It's very frustrating as it's the only one I cannot see for the life of me. I've got the other 99 answers!
If it's not a crossword you could try posting in Quizzes and Puzzles for a wider audience
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Thanks for the tip

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nacre by harbour

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