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action magazine crossword

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mybutty | 16:22 Mon 14th Jun 2010 | Crosswords
8 Answers
WRVS convivial groups? Bucolic lass excited! (6,5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S

rip off thermal clothing (6) F _ _ _ _ _

clergymans odd circle (6) _ _ _ R _ _

sleeveless tunics worn by some WRVS, thanks to poets (7) _ _ _ _ R _ _

eg WRVS online diary, what we think (4) _ _ _ G

all help gratefully recieved. thanks for any replys


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3 cleric
1. Social Clubs
2 Fleece
4 tabards
5 blog
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thank you all again for your help. it is much appreciated

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action magazine crossword

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