Although the theme was quickly established I found some of the clueing
very convoluted, and in the case of 11a & 7d I'm still not certain I've
completely cracked it.
We'll see what others think.
Echoing the thoughts of kayakamina, the puzzle is quite straightforward apart from 'decrypting' 11a and 7d. The solutions will do but the fish and the cow are still in hiding from me!
In 7a check out the "inner reaches" of "with damp find most fish" individually. They are all four letter words so their significance can easily be extracted.
I'm sure that's what "upset" is doing, Slaney. It wasn't initially obvious to me that "hard drug" contributed seven letters. Thanks for the link, chaps
Slightly strange puzzle this week. The theme was easy. but some of the clues are a little weak.
I think 26D is hyphenated
14A/35A are ok but the definition and clue overlap.
Is 1A singular or plural? i have the answer but don't know why.
I'm just left with 18A. I have E-DUR but that can't be right.