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Star Chic - Crossword 3 - Last few

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supersuezy24 | 18:42 Sun 04th Jul 2010 | Crosswords
9 Answers
5d: Cultivation (7): ?i?t?r?
3d: Present (4): ???e
6a: Glint (7): ?l?????
2d: Sprite (3): ???

the 2nd letter of 2down is the 4th letter of 6 across.

The 2nd letter of 3d is the 6th letter of 6 across.

Thanks in advance :)


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6a glimmer
2d imp
3d Here
3d here
Question Author
Could cultivation be mixture??
Question Author
I think my 7a which gave me the i for 5 down was wrong.
The clue for 7a: Disprove (5): ?e??? (I had belie but that was wrong i think)

Anyone know what this could be
if your i is wrong, it could be mastery
Rebut ?
or, 7d could be rebut and 5d culture - you choose!
Question Author
Thanks Everyone, about to go mad here haha :)

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Star Chic - Crossword 3 - Last few

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